Place topics. With a targeted rather than a scattergun approach.

Editorial marketing means: Reach decision-makers. Demonstrate market relevance. Occupy trending topics. When horizontal media such as the FAZ and business media such as Handelsblatt, WirtschaftsWoche, etc. report on your B2B company, your visibility explodes. We position you as a relevant player. Strategically. Sustainably. Successfully.

Our approach

For business journalists, there is only one currency that counts: Relevance. Press releases? Are deleted unread. Dull company or product presentations? Don’t stand a chance. With editorial marketing, we deliver stories that perfectly fit the profile of the target medium. Personal. Precise. And accurate.


Strategy workshop: Away from navel-gazing and towards real news. Why should journalists report about your company? Whether it be a technological, social or economic transformation – we analyse the trends to which your B2B company can provide valuable input. Even against the tide. That’s how we develop stories that work.

Pitch: We always pitch your topic personally. Email? Does not exist for us in this context. We aim to convince and inspire – and we are passionate about your topic. The following applies: No call without preparation. The pitch has to hit home the first time. That is why each story is individually tailored to the target journalists.

Stay on the ball: Editorial marketing isn’t about landing a lucky shot, but the continuous placement of your topics. Without the blinders on, but with an open eye for world events. Our newsroom screens the top media daily. We identify trends and key topics. Grab the phone and build your business as a relevant voice in the respective context.

Your contacts

Jochem Blasius

Managing Partner

Maximilian Schütz

Senior Account Manager